Why We Need a New Feminism

Ever since reading Wholistic Feminism by Leah Jacobson (@wholisticfeminism), I’ve been contemplating the different waves of feminism (this book seriously does such an amazing job of providing accurate historical context for the feminist movement!) and have a growing conviction that we are in desperate need of a fourth wave of feminism. A NEW feminism! One that embraces women AND babies and isn’t a narrative that leans so heavily into picking one or the other with a limited definition of success. Since when do we let the culture dictate our standards of womanhood? The amount of shame, guilt, indecision, and uncertainty that has come from second wave feminists (Gloria Steinem, Betty Friedan) who wanted women to pick between career or home life forgot about the women who wanted BOTH. They disregarded and created a movement in which women had to pick one and the guilt of picking one steadily increased. The studies have found that women are not as happy as men (although for a short time, they were happier and just as happy as men shortly after the introduction of second wave feminism & the launch of the sexual revolution in the 1960s). In particular, one looked at the paradox of declining female happiness. And, yet, amidst the research and the anecdotal evidence we have, what are we doing to change it? What are we doing to make a difference and call out the BS that exists?

It’s clearly not life-giving and it’s certainly not rooted in truth. I’m not here proposing that we create Heaven on earth. We know that’s not possible! But, it is possible to create a movement that leads to a culture shift. While laws are good & important in serving a purpose (think: paternity leave in companies), we also need a change of heart.

We need an uprising of women who boldly declare there is space for both women and children. We don’t need to pick one or the other – and we need to stop pretending to have it all together! We need community. We need each other!

Women don’t need to be erased from society (oh, hey there, third wave feminism). Women – the feminine genius – plays an important and incredible role in society. We are needed at the table: whether it’s in the boardroom, in the kitchen or both.

What it really boils down to is discernment & asking ourselves the tough questions: Where is God calling me to use my gifts? Where do I find fulfillment (be curious!)? Where am I being asked to serve? How do I make sure my primary vocation stays primary while giving of myself in other ways?

When we ask these hard questions and invite God into these spaces – we will see change!

“When a man loves a woman, he has to become worthy of her. The higher her virtue, the more noble her character, the more devoted she is to truth, justice, goodness, the more a man has to aspire to be worthy of her. The history of civilization could actually be written in terms of the level of its women.”

Ven. Fulton Sheen